Тechnology and Organization of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair                            

DOI: http://www.dx.doi.org/10.24866/2227-6858/2019-4-7

Tsitsiashvili G., Osipova M., Kolesnikova O., Lelyukhin V.

GURAMI TSITSIASHVILI, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor, e-mail: guram@iam.dvo.ru
MARINA OSIPOVA, Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail: mao1975@list.ru
Institute of Applied Mathematics FEB RAS
7, Radio St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690041

OLGA KOLESNIKOVA, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail: miis@mail.ru
VLADIMIR LELYUKHIN, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, e-mail: lelv0@mail.ru
Department of Industrial Production Technologies
Far Eastern Federal University
8, Sukhanova St., Vladivostok, Russia, 690091

Formal interpretation of technological bases task search and synthesisof surfaces detail processing sequence

Abstract: The synthesis of sets of bases and basing schemes and designing the sequence of surface treatment is one of the most important tasks of technology design. This problem can be formulated as determining the sequence of differently oriented positions of the part relative to the formative movements of the tool. The article presents a formal interpretation of a generalized algorithm for searching technological bases and syn-thesis of a sequence of surface treatment of the part using a directional search algorithm based on a complex of dimensional bonds between surfaces in the space of the corresponding degrees of freedom. The synthesis is based on modeling the processing process using the algorithm of directional search of surfaces that actually exist now in the configuration of the part. Only these surfaces can be used as bases for its orientation when processing new (not yet existing) surfaces relative to the formative movements of the tool. In the mathemati-cal interpretation of the model, a complex of connected acyclic graphs is used that displays dimensional rela-tionships between the surfaces of the part for each of the degrees of freedom of the space in question. Condi-tions for finding solutions: 1) the presence of real-life surfaces for use as bases; 2) the presence of not yet treated surfaces; 3) the presence of dimensional bonds between real existing and machined surfaces, necessary and sufficient for the orientation of the machined surfaces; 4) single-stage (single-junction) processing of any surface of the part. The formal interpretation given in the article of the problem of searching for technological bases and the synthesis of the sequence of processing the surfaces of a part on a plane can serve as the basis for the synthesis of basing schemes in three-dimensional space with six degrees of freedom.
Keywords: digital shipbuilding, ship repair, technology development, formalization of development, basing of parts, surface machining.

 See the reference in English at the end of the article

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