News in Press-centre

May 23, 2016 - FEFU News

Young scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University will have additional opportunities to realize their potential in research activities. Two new associations are designed to strengthen the University in this area: in May FEFU established the Council of Young Scientists NGO and 'Advanced Energy Technologies' Student Scientific and Technical Bureau.

According to the Vice President for Research and Innovation Office, the FEFU Council of Young Scientists is a voluntary association of academics, post-graduates, and students involved in research, inventive, and patent work. The main objective of the Council is to involve young people in research and to support the most talented of them, to popularize science among students and pupils, as well as to coordinate the work on the projects that are implemented with the participation of young researchers.

'Advanced Energy Technologies' Scientific and Technical Bureau has combined undergraduate and postgraduate students of the Department of Ship Energy and Automation of the FEFU School of Engineering, led by Professor Alexander  Minaev. A key research topic for the participants of the Bureau will be to improve the reliability of the elements of marine engineering equipment operating under special conditions. The researchers also plan to create inter-school project teams for the study of processes of corrosion, friction, and lubrication when using the ship's equipment, and search for promising energy technologies.

The Far Eastern Federal University focuses on the support and development of students' science. This priority area of focus is enshrined in the FEFU Competitiveness Enhancement Program under the 5top100 Project. Students and post-graduate students of the University speak regularly at conferences in Russia and abroad, publish the results of their research activities in national and international journals, and participate in the implementation of major grants and orders by the University's main partners. Achievements of the most active of them are rewarded with additional scholarships of the University, and with the personal incentives of the largest companies and foundations.