Olga V. Nikolaeva

Responsive image;
Far Eastern Federal University.

Linguistics and literary studies / 5.9.8. Theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics

List of research projects

Project participant: Processes of intercultural communication in the Asia-Pacific region: an interdisciplinary approach

Project Chief manager: Interaction of Russian and Chinese cultures and worldviews.

List of possible research topics

Linguocreativity as an expression of national identity in East Asian media in English.

Hyphenated composites in the American version of the English language and its East Asian varieties: objective and pragmatic reasons for composing.

Cross-cultural paremiology: Chinese Proverbs in English-language media.

Speech culture of the Chinese media: comparison of mass media discourse in Chinese and in English.

Supervisor’s research interests 

Cross-cultural communication, discourse analysis, political linguistics in Chinese media in English.

Research highlights

The relevance and scientific significance of the project is due to the large-scale interaction of languages, cultures and mentalities in the modern world, which is becoming more conspicuous in multi-ethnic and multilingual regions of the world, one of which is the Far East. The scientific significance of this research is also associated with the need to use the explanatory potential of interdisciplinary approaches to analyze the causes and results of inter-language and intercultural contacts; methodological and instrumental insufficiency in the study of interactions in multicultural regions, the need to expand the empirical base of research. In the course of the work, it is planned to interact with foreign scientists and research centers.

Supervisor’s specific requirements:

Applicants must

* have a basic linguistic education (bachelor's degree, specialty)

* be fluent in English to perform comparative linguistic analysis

It is also desirable to be fluent in Russian to get acquainted with the works of Russian scientists in the original.

Supervisor’s main publications

1. Nikolaeva O.V., Chen Shumei, Panina M. Сhinese proverbs in Сhinese media in Еnglish: intercultural communication perspective // Journal of Intercultural Communication. 2017. Т. 2017. № 45.

2. Oschepkova, Victoria V.; Nikolaeva, Olga V. Ecosystem as a source of national symbols: insight into Australian and New Zealand cultures and languages // Vestnik Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta filologiya-Tomsk State University journal of philology. 2017. № 46   P. 43-54.

3. Nikolaeva, O.V., Terekhova, E.V.Pragmatics of translation into Russian of hyphenated compounds from British and American political discourse //Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin. 2017. 7 (2), с. 129-142

4. Nikolaeva, O.V., Chen Shumei; Panina, M. E. Chinese proverbs and sayings in Chinese English- language mass media // Sibirskii filologicheskii zhurnal. 2017. Vol. 3. P. 233-247.

5. Nikolaeva O. V. Chinese proverbs and sayings as elements of high-context communication in the English-language media of China. Bulletin of the Moscow State Regional University. Series: Linguistics. 2018. No. 6. pp. 101-109.

Results of intellectual activity

Nikolaeva O.V., Rassokha M.N., Grigoreva Yu.S., Popova L.V. Сross-cultural communication skills for emergencies. Study guide / Vladivostok, 2020

Nikolaeva O. V. The stratagemic speech culture in the Chinese media in English. Vladivostok, 2019. 104 p.

Author of the Master's program "Western European languages, literatures and cultures" Academic advisor of four PhD (defense 2016-2020).