Aircraft Designing and Manufacturing

Tarasov A., Kumchenko I., Matveev A., Redchidskiy  V., Tarabanova V.

ANDREYI P. TARASOV, Technical Designer, Chief Designer Office, e-mail: 
IVAN I. KUMCHENKO, Process Engineer, e-mail: 
ANATOLYI V. MATVEEV, Process Technician, e-mail: 
VYACHESLAV A. REDCHIDSKIYI, Process Technician, e-mail: 
VERA V. TARABANOVA, Maintenance Engineer, e-mail: 
Arsenyev Airscraft Company Progress. 5 Lenin Square, Arsenyev, Primorski Region, 692335

The replacement of the M-14 engine
in the Mi-34
helicopter in practice of a serial production enterprise

The articles is to determine if it is worthwhile for the company to resume the production of the multipurpose lightweight helicopter Mi-34 by replacing the operational benzene engine М-14 with the diesel engine RED A03 V12. It covers the lines of inquiries according to the peculiarities of construction modifications and technological improvements conditioned by the changes in fuselage elements, engine mount, units, devices, and systems connected with the engine to be replaced. Consideration is given to panelling and replacement of bulky metallic panelised constructions with composite ones. The solutions presented in it may be applied in aerospace industry.
Key words: polymeric fuselage, shape-generating surface, composite panel, hydroabrasive cutting, heterogeneous fillers, protective straps.


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