Construction mechanics               
Original article

Goryachevsky O., Negrozova I.

OLEG S. GORYACHEVSKY, Deputy Director, osgoryachevskij@mail.ru
IRINA Yu. NEGROZOVA, Junior Researcher, irina-lanzova@mail.ru
Scientific and Educational Center for Computer Modeling of Unique Buildings, Structures and Complexes named after A.B. Zolotova
National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
Moscow, Russia

Uncertainty of assignment of wind loads from the flag

Abstract. This article discusses the relevance of determining wind loads on freely waving flags in connection with the emerging trend towards the competitive construction of ultra-high flagpoles equipped with flags of a huge area. The main scientific works have been reviewed in which attempts to investigate the complex phenomenon of flow around a waving flag was made. A comparison of wind loads on the flags calculated using different approaches from codes and standards as well as from available technical literature is provided. As a result of comparative analysis, significant differences in wind loads determined using various methods were revealed. Recommendations for engineers and designers are developed and provided in this paper.

Keywords: wind load, flag, flagpole

See the reference in English at the end of the article

For citation: Goryachevsky O., Negrozova I. Uncertainty of assignment of wind loads from the flag. FEFU: School of Engineering Bulletin. 2022;(4):130–140. (In Russ.).