2022. N 4(53)


2022. N 4/53

Mechanics of Deformable Solids

Syomka E. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elastoplastic state of a rotating thin disk

Theory of the Ship and Construction Mechanics

Zemlyak V., Vasilyev A., Kozin V., Chingalaev V. Movement of an immersed body in a near-surface water environment at a shallow bottom

Ship Design, Construction of Vessels

Gutnik A., Klimov S., German A. Method for removing a vessel from muddy ground

Kochnev Yu. Cargo ship safety potential

Kitaev M., Tyuftyaev D., Tortyzheva D. Mathematical model for cargo vessel design

Technology and Organization of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair

Leontyev L., Leontyev A. The concept of constructive and technological support durability of tribological units of ship equipment

Ship Power Plants

Statsenko V., Sadykov R., Goncharova I., Bernavskaya M. Studies of film liquid neutralization of toxic gas emissions generalization

Pokusaev M., Sibryaev K., Gorbachev M., Ibadullaev A. Methodology of choosing a torsional vibration spring damper for marine diesel engine

Mazur E., Shcherban P., Mazur V. Marine engine oil performance study using a process parameter matrix

Water Supply, Building Systems for Water Resources Protection

Tiganov R., Panfilov A., Tikhonov R. Model of a multi-channel water temperature control system in aquarium tanks

Kirichenko K., Chernousov V., Vakhnyuk I., Parshin S., Masyutin A., Gridasov A., Pogodaev A., Pikula K., Golokhvast K. Study of the morphological composition of particles in water samples during underwater welding

Buildings and Structures

Bobov D., Krasilnikov N., Guseinov Ch. Assessment of the potential level of automation of construction logs when maintained in electronic form

Kardash D. A private methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of additive technology for the construction of military infrastructure objects

Construction mechanics

Goryachevsky O., Negrozova I. Uncertainty of assignment of wind loads from the flag

Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

Matveieva M., Kopeva A., Maslovskaia O. Experimental project of the architectural and spatial environment of the intergenerational center in the city of Yakutsk

Maksim V. Kitaev, , Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
Lev B. Leont’ev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Aleksander T. Bekker, Academician of RAACS,
Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok
The issue prepared by

Lyudmila V. Studenchikova, Editor
Tatiana V. Ryabkova, Web-Editor
Galina P. Pisareva, Design and Imposition

Volume: 9 MB
Рublished: December 27, 2022